Report cards for Trimester I are posted in Option C. All parents should access the end of the grading period reports using their personal email sign-in and discuss academic and behavioral progress with your child. Sent home on Monday (11/18) is a form that we ask all parents to sign and have returned to school by the end of the week. This form serves as an acknowledgement that you have reviewed and discussed your child’s progress as shown through first trimester grades and personal development. Please keep in mind that teachers are able to determine whether a parent actively monitors their child’s growth by regularly checking Option C and seeing when a parent reviews the end of Trimester I report card. If you have any issues logging into Option C, please consult the document in the link on the right or contact the school office.
St. Cecilia Uniform & Spirit Wear
St. Cecilia School is offering Uniform & Spirit Wear through Rokkitwear.
Families can order or spirit wear pieces through their website and have them shipped directly to their homes.
St. Cecilia School Kicks off new Box Tops for Education Drive
Download the app and select St. Cecilia School. When you scan receipts that contain participating products, you help earn money for classroom supplies for our school.