Students in grades PK-8 are issued a Chromebook and a Google Account for use in completing assignments and other schoolwork. Chromebooks are purchased using Auxiliary funds and are the property of the State of Ohio or CPS and are on loan to St. Cecilia School students for their use.
In grades PK-5, Chromebooks are assigned to individual students and remain in the school for use during the school day.
For students in grades 6-8, Chromebooks are loaned to the students as part of our 1:1 program. Students are permitted to take their devices home with them to assist in completing necessary schoolwork.
Policies can be viewed below. In addition, students and their families are required Parents and students are required to view the Chromebook introduction video ( and then sign the forms to acknowledge that they understand the policies as outlined.
Any questions about the Chromebook program or the policy as outlined by St. Cecilia School should be directed to Technology Coordinator Miss Julie Poux (